Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Amazing Wade

Wade continues to get better everyday and his funny and engaging personality has returned in full force. He continues to be on a largely liquid diet (he practically begged Shelley for Brocoli yesterday) but we have started adding in some very soft pasta (Raviolio's!). He has eaten a ton of tofu and vanilla ice cream mixed with peanut butter plus a lot of smoothy drinks.

As you can see from the picture, the large bump has turned into a short bump. Dr. Redett has told us that the remaining bump is probably mostly swelling and "lip puckering" and that much or all of it will be corrected with the next surgery. As might be obvious, the lip still needs a fair amount of work much of will be completed in 3 months at the next surgical milestone. Needless to say, that will not solve the issue of this picture which is peanut butter smeared on his face.


Becky said...

He looks great!

And I'm glad someone is finding a use for tofu.

Keep updating, we love it!

KJ said...

Hooray for Wade! What a champ.He'll be ready for his glamour shots shortly. :)