Thursday, May 21, 2009

Off to the Operating Room

Given that he ate nothing from 5:30am until 12:25pm, Wade really did amazingly well. A little fussing and crying but nothing like we anticipated.

Wade went into surgery at 12:25pm and was asleep within 10 seconds of getting the mask. Peter went with him and Wade was a champ with very little crying. He went completely limp and then Peter almost started crying.

The staff here has been fantastic - very efficient and calming. The surgery is expected to take 2-3 hours so he should be out between 2:30 and 3:30 after which he will go into the recovery room for an hour and then on to his regular room for the night. If he eats tomorrow, then he gets to go home.

The surgeon explained that he will be taking the pre-maxilla and "docking" it into the palate. He drew us a good picture which we can't replicate here but he said he expects the bump under his nose to be completely gone after the surgery which is great news.

I forgot my camera today so no pictures so you will all have to miss out on Peter wearing a scrub gown and shower cap. Your loss.


sande churchill said...

sounds wonderful and i am already relieved. love, mom

Anonymous said...

Great. Good luck and best wishes, Wade. Sorry to miss Peter in get up.


Vivienne said...

Awesome you guys. Here's to a speedy recovery process!

Unknown said...


updates soon?

Elizabeth had a smaller surgery at Children's here in DC - yeah - the gas is a little more than I was ready for. She came out fine and her tear duct fixed!