Above is a picture that shows Wade's nose/lip (from left to right) when we first adopted him, after his 1st surgery and after his 2nd surgery. Really remarkable progress. We are just thrilled.
A journey to add four-year-old Guang Jin to our family.
The Churchill & Gross Family
Walking the park in Nanjing
Paperchasing Journey
12/3/08 CA (Consultate Appointment)
12/1/08 TA (Travel Approval)
11/3/08 - LOA (Letter of Approval) Whoohoo! It's official.
8/13/08 - LID (Log in date) China has received our dossier.
6/25/08 - PA (Pre-approval). He's ours!
6/12/08 - We submit the LOI (Letter of Intent).
5/3/08 - Shelley and Peter get Guang Jin's file from BAAS.
5/2/08 - Shelley see a posting on a yahoo group associated with one of the larger adoption agencies. Alyissa, an adoptive mother, mentions a boy with a different agency who is on a waiting child list and looks wondeful. She encourages folks to check him out. This is how we find out about BAAS (Bay Area Adoption Services)