Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Amazing Wade

Wade continues to get better everyday and his funny and engaging personality has returned in full force. He continues to be on a largely liquid diet (he practically begged Shelley for Brocoli yesterday) but we have started adding in some very soft pasta (Raviolio's!). He has eaten a ton of tofu and vanilla ice cream mixed with peanut butter plus a lot of smoothy drinks.

As you can see from the picture, the large bump has turned into a short bump. Dr. Redett has told us that the remaining bump is probably mostly swelling and "lip puckering" and that much or all of it will be corrected with the next surgery. As might be obvious, the lip still needs a fair amount of work much of will be completed in 3 months at the next surgical milestone. Needless to say, that will not solve the issue of this picture which is peanut butter smeared on his face.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Wade was discharged from the hospital yesterday morning and we all arrived home at 1:00pm on Friday. He has been doing very well albeit a little cranky and a little fussy. He slept almost straight through from 8pm to 6:00am last night which makes everyone quite happy.

He does not seem to be in lots of pain although there is some. And he has not complained about being in his arm restraints over night. He has been an incredible trooper. The hardest part is the food restrictions - he does not have lots of eating choices, particularly for the first few days.

More pictures later...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bye bye bump.

Wade was in surgery for 2 hours and 10 minutes. His surgeon reports that it went it exactly as he hoped and expected. He said there we no complications and he is now in recovery on some serious narcotic pain medication that the nurses refuse to share with his parents.

As you can see, he has a bandage on his upper lip, but the transformation of his face is already pretty obvious. He has arm restraints that he made need for as long as three weeks (yikes) to keep him from messing with his stitches, lip, etc.

He woke up and was pretty darn unhappy but the pain medication seems to have solved that problem for now.

Thanks to everyone for thoughts and prayers. We are absolutely thrilled!

Off to the Operating Room

Given that he ate nothing from 5:30am until 12:25pm, Wade really did amazingly well. A little fussing and crying but nothing like we anticipated.

Wade went into surgery at 12:25pm and was asleep within 10 seconds of getting the mask. Peter went with him and Wade was a champ with very little crying. He went completely limp and then Peter almost started crying.

The staff here has been fantastic - very efficient and calming. The surgery is expected to take 2-3 hours so he should be out between 2:30 and 3:30 after which he will go into the recovery room for an hour and then on to his regular room for the night. If he eats tomorrow, then he gets to go home.

The surgeon explained that he will be taking the pre-maxilla and "docking" it into the palate. He drew us a good picture which we can't replicate here but he said he expects the bump under his nose to be completely gone after the surgery which is great news.

I forgot my camera today so no pictures so you will all have to miss out on Peter wearing a scrub gown and shower cap. Your loss.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Day Before

We are rushing about trying to get prepared for the big surgery day today. Peter's parents are coming in today to help and to stay with Clara June while necessary when we both are at the hospital.

His surgery is at 12:30 on Thursday, May 21st. If there are no complications, then we expect him to come home on Friday afternoon.

Our surgeon is the boyish yet experienced and talented Dr. Richard Redett (see below). See more information him at

We will try to update this blog on Wade's status as often as we can.